Monday, 18 May 2020

Sleeping Quarters

With a crew complement of 1,169, The Red Knight needs a lot of sleeping accommodation.

While senior officers are entitled to individual rooms, the rest of the crew are all in shared, double-bunk, quarters.

Voice-activated toilet
Unsurprisingly, the lower down the pecking order a crewman is the more basic his sleeping quarters.

The lowest of the low - such as the crew that maintain Sector 7B - get the basic "ocean grey" colour scheme, a computer terminal, table and chairs, a sink, storage lockers, and a voice-activated toilet, hidden in the wall that pivots out when required.

Note: The inflatable banana does not come as a standard fitting.

The JMC Marketing Department felt the addition of an inflatable banana to their publicity shots would make the quarters feel more "appealing" and distract from the soul-crushing industrial greyness of an area where people would spend a lot of their off-duty time.

Did it work?

Captain Lister inspects the crew quarters

Officers' quarters tend to be brighter coloured (cream or red, generally) with more room and better facilities (personal showers, food dispensers etc).

It is a JMC practice to house most crew in double rooms, so that crewmen aren't left on their own for long periods of time in the depths of space.

The general feeling is that it is better to have someone to talk to, even if you don't get on with them, than staring into the abyss on your own for weeks on end.

Officers' quarters
Officers have more spare dollarpounds for 'souvenirs' and reminders from home to clutter up their rooms
Some officers go to great lengths to "customise" their sleeping quarters

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