Thursday, 30 April 2020

From The Magazine Rack: Horn

Just one of many magazines available for download to the crew's personal display units, for a small deduction from their company credit.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Last Movie Screened Before The Accident

Vintage French art house film, Hans Backovic's La Fin Absolue Du Monde, was the last movie shown in the Red Knight's main 200-seat cinema before "the accident" (c. 3,000,000 years ago).

It quite possibly played to an empty house as "vintage French art house films" didn't usually go down well with a crew of space miners and astros.

Luckily, the only print of the movie now seems to have disappeared.

However, examples of more popular movies shown in the weeks before and still in the ship's archives (therefore available in personal cabins via RedNet) can be found here.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

From The Magazine Rack: Kill Weekly

Just one of many magazines available for download to the crew's personal display units, for a small deduction from their company credit.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Inspirational Reading From An Alternate Reality

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Apart from pain. And maybe humiliation. And obviously death and failure. But apart from fear, pain, humiliation, failure, the unknown, and death, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Who’s with me?"
- Arnold J Rimmer, Technician, Second Class
Red Dwarf, Series X, Episode 6: The Beginning

Sunday, 26 April 2020

From The Magazine Rack: Moni

Just one of many magazines available for download to the crew's personal display units, for a small deduction from their company credit.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Vending Machines

The Red Knight is well stocked with vending machines that, when properly maintained and supplied, are capable of producing a wide variety of food and drink to suit (nearly) all tastes.

Many of the vending machines have their own artificial intelligence, independent of the ship-wide A.I., Tim.

However, this means that many of them have lost their minds after three million years without human contact.

Here are a few examples of the machines and their services:

Friday, 24 April 2020

From The Magazine Rack: Rage For Men

Just one of many magazines available for download to the crew's personal display units, for a small deduction from their company credit.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

JMC Cola

Looking for a less alcoholic accompaniment for your curry? Then try JMC Cola, a sweetened, carbonated soft drink available from many vending machines around the Red Knight.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

From The Magazine Rack: Mech's Health

Just one of many magazines available for download to the crew's personal display units, for a small deduction from their company credit.